Be Prepared To Encounter A Vehicle Mishap During Your Next Sports Arena Outing

Posted on: 17 December 2018

It would be unfortunate to head out of a sporting arena after viewing an exciting football game to discover that you have locked your keys inside of your truck's cab. Be prepared for your next trip to a sports match so that, if you are unexpectedly greeted with a dilemma that will prevent you from heading home immediately, you won't be inconvenienced any longer than necessary.

Bring Along Important Phone Numbers And Essentials

Because you never know when an emergency will occur, don't subject yourself to being left in the parking lot without anyone to call who can provide you with assistance. Also, it is not wise to rely upon strangers for help, since their intentions may not be as good as they seem to be. Do yourself a favor by covering all bases before you leave home.

Bring along a list of phone numbers, including a number for a tow truck company, one for your babysitter, and one for a loved one who may be expecting you to contact them soon after the game has ended. Also, pack a bag that contains some essentials that you may need and appreciate while waiting for a tow truck operator to arrive. Granola bars, a bottled beverage, gloves, a hat, and a puzzle book and pen will keep you comfortable and content while you wait.

Gas Up And Check Over The Interior

Before heading to the game, fill your vehicle's tank with gas so that running out of fuel won't become an issue that you need to contend with. Also, make a point of checking your vehicle's interior before exiting to head into the sporting arena.

Make sure that the windows are up, that you have removed your key from the ignition, and that nothing of value is left out, which could prompt a thief to try to gain access to your vehicle. Check the parking area to acquire information about the row that you have parked in. This will be useful if you have to contact a tow truck operator and provide them with the location of your vehicle. 

Contact A Tow Service And Meet In A Public Area

If your vehicle won't start after the game or if you DID lock your keys inside of the vehicle, in spite of your careful preparations, get on the phone and contact a tow truck operator. Ask the tow truck driver to meet you in a public area so that you aren't left in the dark during your wait. If the sporting arena has an office, public seating area, or ticket booth that you can stay by, then choose one of these locations as the meeting place.

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