
  • Be Prepared To Encounter A Vehicle Mishap During Your Next Sports Arena Outing

    It would be unfortunate to head out of a sporting arena after viewing an exciting football game to discover that you have locked your keys inside of your truck's cab. Be prepared for your next trip to a sports match so that, if you are unexpectedly greeted with a dilemma that will prevent you from heading home immediately, you won't be inconvenienced any longer than necessary. Bring Along Important Phone Numbers And Essentials
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  • 3 Useful Tips When Choosing A Tow Truck Company

    At some point, you're going to find yourself stuck on the side of the road. If your vehicle will no longer run properly, you'll need help from a tow truck company, like Valley  Express Auto Repair. Which one is the right company for you, though? You'll have an easy time making this selection thanks to these tips.  Get a Referral  If you've never received help from one of these towing companies before, you probably aren't sure where to start.
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  • Moving To Another State? 3 Reasons To Rely On Towing Services For Your Vehicle

    When you are in the market to buy a vehicle, you may look around at local dealerships and used car lots for a while in hopes of finding the make, model, and year that you are interested in. But, this is not something that you are guaranteed to find when you have specific preferences. This may lead to looking far away for a vehicle to purchase, even out-of-state in certain situations.
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  • Electric Vehicles And Towing: Get Answers To The Questions You Have

    If you have an electric vehicle, you have to ensure the vehicle is charged before driving it. If the vehicle does not have a charge or enough of a charge, it can stop running, leaving you stranded. If this occurs to you, you may wonder if a tow truck is able to tow your electric vehicle. Here are a few of the questions you have and the answers to these questions.
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  • 4 Types Of Trailers To Use For Hauling Equipment

    When you need to haul equipment a long distance, you want to make sure that you have the right type of trailer to haul your equipment on a long trip. Here is a quick rundown of the five main types of trailers that are used for this type of job. This rundown should help you better select what type of trailer you need to use to move your large equipment to its new location.
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  • Helpful Tips To Make Sure You Are Financially Ready To Hire A Tow Truck

    Many people have found that needing a tow truck can come at some of the worst times. If you want to make sure that your sudden need for a tow truck does not come when you are not financially ready for the cost, then you are going to want to make use of the following tips. This way, you will not have to simply leave your vehicle stranded along the side of the road until you can come up with some cash.
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  • Top Reasons Road-Trip Travelers Find Themselves Stranded On The Open Road

    You've got a few days off and a few bucks for gas and food in your pocket, so you are considering grabbing an overnight bag and a friend or two and hitting the open road for a quick, spur-of-the-moment road trip. Road trips can definitely be a lot of fun and lead you to some pretty exciting adventures. However, travelers who jump and run on a road trip without a little forethought sometimes find themselves stranded on the side of the road, nowhere near their intended destination.
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  • Dealing With a Non-Working Vehicle

    When a non-working vehicle that has an unappealing body sits in a driveway for a long time, it detracts from the curb appeal of a house. Did you know that you can actually get fined for leaving such a vehicle on your property for a long time? Basically, a neighbor can file a complaint that your vehicle is detracting from the beauty of the neighborhood, especially if you live in one that has a Homeowners Association (HOA).
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  • 3 Tips To Stay Safe While Waiting For An Emergency Tow Truck

    If your car suddenly breaks down on the side of the road, you'll need to call an emergency towing service. Once their tow truck driver gets to you, they should be able to take care of your car and give you a ride to the garage they're taking your car to -- if you need a ride. Until they arrive, however, you may be in a vulnerable position. If you're ever broken down on the side of the road, here are some ways to stay safe while you wait for an emergency tow truck to arrive.
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  • Understanding The Three 'Stays' Of Keeping Safe During A Highway Breakdown After Dark

    When you drive a vehicle every day, it is easy to take for granted the fact that car and trucks are merely mechanical and electrical items that can occasionally break down. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for your car to break down and leave you stranded at the most inopportune times--especially after dark. It is incredibly scary to be stranded on the side of the road after dark waiting on a towing service to come to your rescue.
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